Alberto Cecchi - Biography Educational Consultancy - New Media and Social Media

Alberto Cecchi Biography

Italy – Switzerland – France – Spain

I (Alberto Cecchi) deal with the education sector for 20 years. I developed projects related to the use of new media for schools and universities. I am an educational consultant for students who want to study abroad and helping Schools and Universities to become international and to expand all over the world. As part of this process, I improve the organization (especially Admissions and Marketing) through the use of CRM (especially Salesforce) and analytics tools.

Alberto Cecchi – Author of several books in the field of new media

I am currently Regional Manager for Sommet Education, world leader in education for Hospitality and Culinary Arts.

I have been Head of International office for the gastronomy campus of UCH-CEU University in Valencia Spain, from 2015 to 2020.

From 2000 to 2013 I’ve been Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Urbino and Perugia for programs about New Media and Computer Science. Teaching about New Media Communication at the University of Urbino, and Teaching about New Media Design and Computer Science at the University of Perugia.

Doing research in the New Media and Social Network Analysis. I am always using software and programming languages to reach my goals.

During the 90’s I wrote several articles for Italian Technical Magazines regarding Hypertexts, New Media and the Social Media World. I wrote articles and gave speeches at international conferences and Italian Universities regarding the Hypertexts and New Media World.

Diploma in Computer Science and Advanced Degree in Sociology.

In 1998 I founded The Italian Flash Developers Community Website, helping the growth of an Italian Market regarding Adobe Flash.

From 1997 to 2006 I managed Italian web design companies and I worked with several Institutions (Italian Office of the United Nations, Telecom Italia, RAI-Italian Television…).

Alberto Cecchi Books:

  • 2009 – A. Cecchi – R. Orazi – Book: “Informatica e Crittografia”, Ed. Liguori, Napoli.
  • 2008 – A. Cecchi –Book: “NMD- New Media Design”, Ed. Sometti, Mantova.
  • 2002 –  Essay on “Web Designers Experiments” and “Dai movimenti degli artisti agli artisti dei movimenti” in AAVV: “Web Designers Experiments” By Franco Lanfredi, Sometti Editore, Mantova
  • 2001 – Alberto Cecchi – Book: “Tendenze Dinamiche del Web – Flash e l’Interactive Design”, Ed. Hops, Milan

Delivered Lectures for Conferences and Seminars

  • 2014 – A. Cecchi, 39th ICAF Conference, “On the notion of Interaction between Food and New Media”, Montanchez, Spain.
  • 2006 – A. Cecchi, Future Film Festival, “Il web e le trasfomazione del linguaggio televisivo”, Bologna
  • 2005 – Alberto Cecchi, SMAU, Speaker “Visual Radio”, Milan
  • 2005 – A.Cecchi, Broad Band Week,. Speaker: “Multimedia Pitching”, Milan
  • 2005 – A. Cecchi, Future Film Festival, “L’arte interattiva cambia forma: web, tv, telefonino”, Bologna
  • 2003 – Keynote Speaker of “FlashForum” IBTS – Mediatech, Milan
  • 2003 – A. Cecchi, University of Ancona – Faculty of Economy, Conference “La comunicazione attraverso Internet”
  • 2002 – A. Cecchi, Meeting Padova, workshop “Videoclip in Flash”
    • A. Cecchi, Meeting Padova, workshop “Flash & No Browser”
    • A. Cecchi, Meeting Padova, workshop “Flash & No intro”
  • 2002 – A. Cecchi M. Piacentini, Deutsch MultiMedia Kongress – Stuttgart (DE), Workshop “Breaking Dogmas with Flash”
  • 2002 – A. Cecchi, Opera Totale, Keynote Speaker of “FlashForum”, Mestre
  • 2001 – A. Cecchi, Meeting Padova, workshop “Videoclip in Flash”
  • A. Cecchi, Meeting Padova, workshop “Comunità di Flashers”
  • A. Cecchi, Meeting Padova, workshop “Sviluppo in Flash”
  • 2001 – A. Cecchi, Show IBTS/Mediatech, Milan, Keynote Speaker “Flashforum”
  • 2001 – A. Cecchi, Meeting, Perugia, Keynote Speaker “Flashforum”
  • 2000 -A. Cecchi, Faculty of Comunication Science University of Rome La Sapienza, Seminar “Communifashion”
  • 1997 – A. Cecchi, P. Ricci, University of Siena – Seminar: “Il rapporto tra Calvino e gli ipertesti”.
  • 1996 – European Meeting on Cybernetic Studies and Researches EMCSR ’96.
  • Cecchi. Paper: “The Distortion of the Ouside/Inside Antonimy”, Wien – Austria.
  • 1996 – Alberto Cecchi, P. Ricci, Seminar – Library Città di Arezzo: “Labirinti Ipertestuali”.
  • 1996 – ACM Hypertext ’96 .
  • Cecchi. Poster: “An Hypertext made of Tarots by Italo Calvino”, Washington.
  • 1995 – A. Cecchi, P. Ricci. Seminar about “ItaloCalvino and the Hypertexts”, University of Urbino.
  • 1995 – Writer’s Retreat on Interactive Technology W.R.I.T.E. ’95. “The University of British Columbia, – Centre for Image and Sound Research, Emily Carr Institute for Art and Design and International Interactive Communication Society. Cecchi. Paper: “An Hypertext from Calvino’s Tarots”. Vancouver, Canada.